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অখিল ভাৰতীয় আয়ুৰ্বিজ্ঞান প্ৰতিষ্ঠান, গুৱাহাটী

अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, गुवाहाटी

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Guwahati

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The Department of Biochemistry commenced its services since the inception of the Institute in January 2021. The vision of the Department is to develop into a state-of-the-art facility that caters to the three-pronged approach adopted by the AIIMS institutions viz. Education, Patient Care, and Research. The Department plans to achieve this in the following manner:

1. Education

The Department is committed to nurturing students with advancements in Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, and to inculcate in them scientific curiosity, critical thinking, ethical attitudes, and practical skills. The Department has commenced MBBS teaching from January 2021, MD (Biochemistry) from January 2024, and PhD (Biochemistry) from July 2024 session onwards. The Department also provides specialized training for courses in allied specialties and envisions expanding the academic program to include interdisciplinary collaborations, and additional postgraduate courses to meet the evolving needs of the medical and scientific community. The Department also conducts Workshops and Continuing Medical Education (CMEs) on the latest advancements in the field at regular intervals.

2. Patient care

The Department is actively supporting the Institute in patient care by providing the latest laboratory facilities to aid in diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis. Currently, the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory and the Immunoassay Laboratory of the Department provide examination of more than 100 laboratory parameters on a routine basis. The Department aims to expand the services to incorporate sophisticated biomarker testing involving molecular diagnostics, genomics, and proteomics. The Department also emphasizes providing primordial and primary screening facilities for the diseases prevalent in the community. The Department has also commenced the process of obtaining NABL accreditation for its clinical laboratory examinations.

3. Research

The Department is committed to perform health-oriented research and basic science research in the diverse fields of biomedical research such as cancer biology, cardiovascular diseases, neurobiology, metabolic diseases, molecular pharmacology, genomics, transcriptomics, medical genetics, molecular biophysics, data mining, etc. The Department carries out research in the forms of extramural funded projects, intramural research grant supported projects, MD and PhD theses, and independent faculty and student projects. The Department has also established collaborations with academic and research institutes engaged in multidisciplinary research across the country.

Current Staff
  1. Faculty - 06
  2. Senior Residents (Non-academic) - 03
  3. Junior Residents (Academic)/ MD Biochemistry students - 02
  4. PhD Scholars - 02
  5. Junior Residents (Non-academic) - 01
  6. Laboratory Technicians (Regular) - 03
  7. Laboratory Attendants (Regular) - 02
  8. Laboratory Technicians (Contractual) - 08
  9. Laboratory Attendants (Contractual) - 02
  10. Nursing Officers - 02
  11. Data Entry Operator - 01


Prof. Subash C Gupta Professor and Head
Dr. Indrajit Nath Additional Professor
Dr. Jayanta Das Associate Professor
Dr. Ashikh Seethy Assistant Professor
Dr. Chandan Kumar Nath Assistant Professor
Dr. Amit Kumar Sonkar Assistant Professor



Dr. Bidyut Bhuyan Senior Resident (Non-academic)
Dr. Lanu Mona Aimol Senior Resident (Non-academic)
Dr. Krishnarjuna Bankala Senior Resident (Non-academic)
Dr. Leary Nampui Junior Resident (Academic)/ MD Student
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqui Junior Resident (Academic)/ MD Student
Dr. Imsuonen Junior Resident (Non-academic)


PhD Scholars:

Mr. Arindam Dutta Guide: Prof. Subash C Gupta
Mr. Lalramtluanga Guide: Dr. Amit Kumar Sonkar
Research Projects

Ongoing/ Approved

  1. Targeting triple negative breast cancer by engineering agents derived from Piper longum; Funding Agency: ICMR, India; PI: Prof. Subash Gupta; Total Budget: INR 73,60,717.00; Period: 2024-27
  2. ICMR’s ‘Taskforce on Establishment of Reference Intervals in Indian Population’ (TERIIP); Funding Agency: ICMR, India; PI: Dr. Ashikh Seethy
  3. Identification and characterization of stem cells phenotype in the oral cancer; Funding Agency: AIIMS Guwahati (Intramural Research Grant); PI: Prof. Subash Gupta
  4. An analysis of the immunoinflammatory status of patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism with metabolic syndrome; Funding Agency: AIIMS Guwahati (Intramural Research Grant); PI: Dr Indrajit Nath
  5. Drug related Biochemical alterations: A Biochemistry laboratory-based causality assessment study; Funding Agency: AIIMS Guwahati (Intramural Research Grant); PI: Dr Jayanta Das
  6. Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of Alanine Racemase for Identification and Development of Potential Antimycobacterial Drugs; AIIMS Guwahati (Intramural Research Grant); PI: Dr. Amit Kumar Sonkar
  7. Performance characteristics of Glycated Haemoglobin estimation in blood samples by ion exchange chromatography using Sodium fluoride vial compared to standard EDTA anticoagulant; Funding Agency: AIIMS Guwahati (Intramural Research Grant); PI: Dr. Chandan Kumar Nath
  8. Phased globin gene sequencing to decipher genomic variants in cis in Hemoglobin E disorders; Funding Agency: AIIMS Guwahati (Intramural Research Grant); PI: Dr. Ashikh Seethy
  9. A study on the expression of long non-coding RNAs and metabolic profile in oral cancer; MD thesis (Dr Leary Nampui), Guide: Prof. Subash Gupta
  10. A study on the association of long non-coding RNAs expression with cellular metabolites in head and neck cancer; PhD thesis (Mr Arindam Dutta); Guide: Prof. Subash Gupta
  11. Association of NFKB1 polymorphism with inflammatory markers and C-terminal agrin fragments in patients with type 2 diabetes and sarcopenia; MD thesis (Dr Ayesha Siddiqui), Guide: Dr Indrajit Nath
  12. Computational analysis of the role of tumor immune micro-environment in Myelodysplastic Neoplasms (MDS) and their progression to AML-myelodysplasia related (AML-MR); Funding Agency: ICMR, India (STS Project); Mentor: Dr. Ashikh Seethy; Period: 2024-25.
  13. Investigating the role of BDNF, an indicator of neuro-synaptic functioning, as blood-based biomarker for early detection and severity prediction of dementia - A case-control study; Funding Agency: ICMR, India (STS Project); Mentor: Dr. Indrajit Nath; Period: 2024-25.


  1. Targeting long non-coding RNAs by agents derived from Moringa oleifera for breast cancer therapy; Funding Agency: ICMR, India; PI: Prof. Subash Gupta; Total Budget: INR 38,00,000.00; Period: 2020-23.
  2. An In-silico Analysis of Genetic Alterations of Human Pseudo-autosomal Regions in Acute Myeloid Leukemia; Funding Agency: ICMR, India (STS Project); Mentor: Dr. Ashikh Seethy; Period: 2022-23.
  3. Computational analysis of the role of nuclear insertions of mitochondrial origin (NUMTs) in the genesis of pathogenic variants in monogenic disorders; Funding Agency: ICMR, India (STS Project); Mentor: Dr. Ashikh Seethy; Period: 2023-24.
CMEs/ Workshops/ Other Events Organised


  1. CME on Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Cancer Management on the occasion of World Cancer Day, organised by Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with Departments of Pathology & Lab Medicine, Radiodiagnosis & Interventional Radiology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Radiation Oncology, & Medical Oncology/Hematology, AIIMS Guwahati - February 06, 2024.
  2. CME cum Workshop on Best Practices in Sample Collection, organised by Departments of Pathology and Lab Medicine, Biochemistry, Transfusion Medicine, and Microbiology – AIIMS Guwahati in collaboration with BD India Pvt Ltd. (Specimen Management Division) for celebration of the Phlebotomists Recognition Week - February 17, 2024.
  3. Observance of National Science Day 2024, organised by Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with Departments of Anatomy & Physiology AIIMS Guwahati - February 28, 2024.
  4. CME on Current Trends in OMICS - August 12, 2024.
  5. CME cum Workshop on Quality Control (QC) Analytics and Six Sigma Methodology in Lab Medicine - November 09, 2024.
  6. Pre-conference CME of ACCLMPCON-2025 - Unlocking the Secrets: Impact of Laboratory Medicine on Liver and Gastrointestinal Health' - December 14, 2024.


  1. CME on Cancer Scenario in Northeast India on the occasion of World Cancer Day, organised by Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with Departments of Pathology & Lab Medicine, Radiodiagnosis & Interventional Radiology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Radiation Oncology, & Medical Oncology/Hematology,  AIIMS Guwahati - February 04, 2023.
  2. Observance of National Science Day 2023, organised by Department of Biochemistry, AIIMS Guwahati - February 28, 2023.
  3. Workshop on Research Grant Writing, organized by Department of Biochemistry and Research Cell – AIIMS Guwahati - March 17 2023
  4. CME cum Workshop on Best Practices in Sample Collection, organised by Departments of Biochemistry, Pathology and Lab Medicine, Transfusion Medicine, and Microbiology – AIIMS Guwahati in collaboration with BD India Pvt Ltd. (Specimen Management Division) - September 23, 2023
  5. CME on Good Laboratory Practices & Essentials of Quality Control in Clinical Chemistry, organised by Department of Biochemistry, AIIMS Guwahati - December 09, 2023
Invited Lectures:
  1. Dr. Pradeep K Srivastava (Former Dy. Director, CSIR-CDRI - Lucknow) on 'DNA Technology and Nanotechnology: Will these Change the Future of Medical Science?' - July 14, 2021.
  2. Dr. Dinesh Kumar (Associate Professor, CBMR - Lucknow) on 'Biomolecular NMR and its emerging biomedical applications' - March 30, 2024.
  3. Prof. Sudip Sen (Professor of Biochemistry, AIIMS New Delhi) on 'Stem cells: Basics and Potential Research Applications' - November 30, 2024.
  4. Prof. Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy (Florida A&M University, Florida State University - USA) on 'Membrane Catalysed Protein-Protein Interactions Implicated in Drug Metabolism and  Amyloid Aggregation' - December 16, 2024.


Thermal Cycler (Gradient PCR) Flow Cytometer Chemiluminescence-based Gel-imaging System Immunofluorescence microscope Fluorometer
Multimode Reader ELISA Plate Washer Refrigerated Centrifuge Orbital shaker CO2 Incubator
Laminar Flow Hood BSL-2 Biosafety Cabinet Transfer System for Western Blot Fully automated high-throughput clinical chemistry (dry chemistry) and immunoassay analyzer Semi-auto-analyser
HPLC for hemoglobin typing and HbA1c ELISA Reader Transilluminator Lyophlizer Deep freezers (-20 and -80 degrees)
Water Purification System Gel Electrophoresis System Spectrophotometer pH Meter Ice Flaking Machine
Flurometer Electrolyte analyser Tissue Homogenizer    


Services Available

Clinical Chemistry

Plasma glucose Glucose tolerance test (GTT)



Uric acid

Serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride)

Lipid Profile (total cholesterol, trigylcerides, LDL, HDL, Cholesterol:HDL ratio)

Kidney function tests (creatinine, serum urea)

Liver tests (total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, total protein, albumin, globulins, AG ratio, alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT, GGT)

Creatine kinase (CK) (Total) 


Amylase Lipase Serum iron
C-reactive protein (Quantitative) HbA1c (HPLC) HbA1c (enzymatic)LDH LDH Spot urine sodium
Spot urine potassium Urine random calcium Urine random magnesium 24 hour urine calcium Urine random phosphorus
24 hour urine protein Spot urine chloride Urine random creatinine Serum osmolality Urine osmolality
Urine random uric acid Urine random albumin 24 hour urine creatinine clearance Urine albumin creatinine ratio (UACR) Fluid electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride)
Serum homocysteine Serum lithium Transferrin saturation Direct total iron-binding capacity (dTIBC) Serum-pleural effusion albumin gradient (SPAG)
Synovial fluid analysis (glucose, protein, LDH, uric acid) Fluid glucose, LDH, albumin, uric acid, protein, amylase, lipase

CSF analysis (glucose, protein)

Pleural fluid analysis (glucose, protein, LDH)

Serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG)
Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Neonatal bilirubin (NBil)

Creatinine clearance

CSF Adenosine Deaminase (ADA)


Serum Adenosine Deaminase(ADA)

Urine protein creatinine ratio(UPCR)

Glucose-6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD)





Free T3 (fT3) Free T4 (fT4) Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) Total T3 (T3) Total T4 (T4)
Ferritin 25-OH-vitamin D3 Vitamin B12 Prolactin Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH) β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) Total PSA Cortisol Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) Parathyroid hormone, intact (PTH) Total testosterone Insulin C-peptide
Progesterone Folate NT-ProBNP Free PSA CA 19.9
CA 125 Trop I Pro-calcitonin    


Dr. Subash Chandra Gupta
Professor & Head of the Department

Dr. Indrajit Nath
Additional Professor

Dr. Jayanta Das
Associate Professor

Dr. Amit Kumar Sonkar
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ashikh Seethy
Assistant Professor
Dr. Chandan Kumar Nath
Assistant Professor