1. To become a regional center of excellence in Public Health & Family Medicine.
1. To be the hub of choice for students, faculty, consultants & researchers in Public Health & Family Medicine.
2. Development of human resources for providing comprehensive healthcare to the community.
1. Conduct & promote quality research for advancement and dissemination of knowledge.
2. Use Innovative methods in medical education using a blended curriculum of both Community & Family Medicine to help students become both Public Health and Family Medicine oriented academicians and clinicians.
3· Provide comprehensive healthcare services and field-based activities in cooperation with local health authorities.
4· Capacity building of the faculty so that they can provide effective & exceptional consultancy in health care planning, management & Family Medicine.
He was awarded the Fellowship of the Indian Public Health Association. He is a NAAC Assessor under UGC and was also MCI External Resource Faculty & Observer for Medical Education Technology. He is the Chairman of Operational Research, Zonal Task Force (North East Zone), and member of the National OR Committee, NTEP, Govt. of India. He is a member of the National Task Force for Covid 19 OR subgroup Health system Research, ICMR. He is also working as a Central Team Member in Annual Sentinel Surveillance for HIV Infection under NIHFW & AIIMS, New Delhi since 2010. He has total of 5 funded projects & 42 publications in various Peer-reviewed & Indexed National & International Journals.
1. Member- International Forum of Teachers (IFT) UNESCO Haifa Bioethics Chair.
2. Life Member- International Epidemiological Association (IEA).
3. Life member of Indian Public Health Association (IPHA).
4. Life member of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine (IAPSM).
5. Life member of Epidemiology Foundation of India (EFI).
1. Chairman- Operational Research (OR) NTEP Zonal Task Force (ZTF, NE).
2. Member of National Operational Research Committee under NTEP, Govt. of India.
3. Awarded Fellowship of Indian Public Health Association (FIPHA).
4. NAAC Assessor of UGC, Govt. of India, Ministry of HRD.
5. Former External Resource Faculty for Medical Education Technology by Medical Council of India.
6. Member of the National task Force on the COVID-19: OR Sub-Group: Health System Research.
7. Invited as Plenary speaker and chaired sessions in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PUBLIC HEALTH in Colombo, Srilanka in July 2016, Kualalumpur, Malaysia in July 2017, Bangkok, Thailand in July 2018, and at Kualalumpur, Malaysia in July 2019.
8. Invited as a Keynote Speaker at the 12th SEA Regional Scientific Meeting of IEA in Bangkok from 24th to 26th Nov 2015.
9. Awarded Travel Grants & Free registration to present a research paper and Chaired Session at the IEA World Congress of Epidemiology at Saitama, Japan in August 2017.
10. Awarded a scholarship to attend the 16th World Congress of Public Health at Rome, Italy in Oct 2020.
1. Bhanu Pratap Singh, Sanjiba Dutta, Forhad Akhtar Zaman, Harshavardhan Sampath. A Preliminary Study on the Prevalence of Depression in an Adult Urban Population of Gangtok. Int J Med Res Prof. 2018 May; 4(3):184-87.
2. Binu Upreti, Forhad Akhtar Zaman, Sushrut Varun Satpathy. Prevalence of Pre Diabetes & its risk factors in an urban community in East Sikkim. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2019; 9(4):59-61.
3. Sangey Chhophel Lamtha, Forhad Akhtar Zaman, Amrita Poudyal, Uma Rai, Parvez T Hassan. Ethnicity of Patients Ulcerative Colitis in A Tertiary Care Center of Sikkim. Tropical Gastroenterology, Vol.40, No.2, April-June 2019.
4. Forhad Akhtar Zaman, Vijay Kumar Mehta, Shraddha Deokata. An Epidemiological study of sputum positive TB patients & burden of Tuberculosis amongst their contacts in East District of Sikkim. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Volume I l/Issue 6/June 2020.
5. FA Zaman, VK Mehta. A case-control study for factors of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in East Sikkim, India. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_5, September 2020, ckaa165. 792.
6. FA Zaman, VK Mehta. Impact of health education on preventive therapy with integrated monitoring of Tuberculosis cases. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_5, September 2020, ckaa166. 821.
7. Zaman FA. Journey of Tuberculosis Control in India: From then till now. J Comp Health. 2021;9(1):05-10.
8. Forhad Akhtar Zaman, Vijay Kumar Mehta, Shraddha Deokata. Analysis of the Factors Leading to Causation of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis among Cases Registered under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme in East Sikkim – A Case-Control Study. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine and Health Care, 2021;8(8):440-44.
9. Zaman FA, Aggarwal S, Pal R, Chatterjee PK, Kiran KA, Panda S, et al. Exploratory study on the operational issues faced in collection, transportation, and laboratory testing related to COVID-19 in remote areas of selected EAG states of North East and East India. J Family Med Prim Care 2021;10:1443-52.
10.Gaffar Sarwar Zaman, Mohammed Abohashrh, Irshad Ahmad, Ayed A. Dera, Mastour S. Alshahrani, Irfan Ahmad, Mohammad Mahtab Alam, Syed Esam Mahmood, Nasrin Mansuri, Safia Irfan, Forhad Akhtar Zaman, "The Impact of Body Resistance Training Exercise on Biomedical Profile at High Altitude: A Randomized Controlled Trial", BioMed Research International, vol. 2021, Article ID 6684167, 10 pages, 2021.
Dr. Forhad Akhtar Zaman, Corona Virus-induced disease (Covid-19) IAPSM's Textbook of Community Medicine, 2nd Edition, New Delhi/London, Jaypee,2021, 478-481.
Her areas of interest and expertise are maternal and child health, nutrition and medical education. She has completed Fellowship in FAIMER in 2019. She has independently conducted an ICMR funded project on Iodine Deficiency Disorders in children in Meghalaya. She has conducted several research studies on Maternal and child health as well as Medical Education. She has 28 publications in various Peer-reviewed & Indexed National & International Journals. She has published a Scientific report based on the National Workshop on Nutritional Transition for which she was the organizing Secretary. She has been the PI/Co-PI of more than 15 projects funded by an external agency.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=i9k3WrAAAAAJ&hl=en
1. Life Member of Indian Public Health Association.
2. Life Member of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine.
3. Member of Epidemiological Foundation of India.
1. Completed Fellowship in FAIMER: (Fellowship for the advancement of International Medical Education and Research ).February 2017-February 2019. A joint venture of Christian Medical College, Ludhiana and FAIMER, USA.
2. Awarded the best poster award for her project titled “Introduction of structured feedback for third-year professional MBBS students in the Department of Community Medicine” during the poster presentation of the Advance Course in Medical Education, 2020 from JNMC, Wardha.
3. Awarded the best paper for the paper titled “Nutritional status and morbidity pattern of adolescent girls in urban slums of Dibrugarh.” presented in the National Conference of Indian Public Health Association, January 2009 at KIMS, Bangalore.
1· Bhattacharyya H. Nath CK, Pala S, Medhi GK, Chutia H. Iodine Deficiency Disorders in East Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya, India. Indian Pediatr. 2020;57(9) :811-814.
2· Bhattacharyya H, Vagha J, Medhi GK, Pala S, Chutia H, Bora PJ, et al. Introduction of structured feedback for MBBS students: Perception of students and faculty. J Edu Health Promot 2020. 9(1):285.
3· Bhattacharyya H, Medhi GK, Pala S, Sarkar A, Lynrah W, Kharmujai OM. Nutritional status and personal hygiene practices of primary school children: A cross-sectional study from Meghalaya, India. J Family Med Prim Care 2020; 9(11): 5506-5510.
4· Bhattacharyya H, Medhi GK, Pala S, Sarkar A, Kharmujai OM, Lynrah W. Early community-based teaching of medical undergraduates for achieving better working skills in the community. J Edu Health Promot 2018;7:161-6.
5· Bhattacharyya H, Pala S, Sarkar A, Roy D. Tobacco: Consumption and risk factors in selected areas of Shillong, Meghalaya. J Family Med Prim Care 2018; 7:1406-10.
6· Ropmay AD, Bhattacharyya H, Slong D, Marak AR, Barman S, Patowary AJ. Knowledge, Attitudes, and practice of Medical Termination of Pregnancy amongst doctors in Shillong, North East India. Global Bioethics Enquiry 2020; 8 (2): 77-82.
7· Pala S, Bhattacharyya H, Lynrah KG, Sarkar A, Boro P, Medhi GK. Loss to follow up during diagnosis of presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis at a tertiary care hospital. J Family Med Prim Care 2018;7(5):942-945.
8· Sarkar A, Medhi GK, Bhattacharyya H, Pala S, Gogoi S. Pattern of ocular morbidities: A cross-sectional study on school-going children in Shillong city. J Family Med Prim Care 2019; 8:2124-8.Corresponding Author.
9· Chutia H, Bhattacharyya H, Ruram AA, Bora K, Chakraborty M. Evaluation of thyroid function in type 2 Diabetes in North-Eastern part of India: a hospital-based study. J Family Med Prim Care 2018;7:752-5.
10· Bhattacharyya H. Knowledge, beliefs, and practices regarding malaria in the urban setting of East Khasi Hills district, Meghalaya. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2015,4 (8): 1042-1045.
Editor: Scientific Report on National Workshop on Nutritional Transition: An Emerging Public health Issue in India: Publication of Department of Community medicine, NEIGRIHMS, 2017.
Editor: Scientific Souvenir: 2nd North East Regional Conference of IAPSM: Publication of Department of Community Medicine, NEIGRIHMS,2015.
Himashree Bhattacharyya. Epidemiological studies- cross-sectional and cohort study. In: Md Yunus ed. Handbook for Practice of Research Methodology, Medical Education Department, NEIGRIHMS, Shillong, 2016,p.81-85.
Dr. Jamir completed her MD in Community Medicine from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, and worked as a Senior Resident at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh. She has worked extensively in diverse community settings with eminent national/international scientists in public health research. Her professional certifications include Distance Fellowship in Diabetes Management, Christian Medical College, Vellore; Certificate Course on the Basics of Addiction Management, NIMHANS, Bengaluru; Certificate Courses on Interactive Teaching and Public Health Leadership by MEU, India; Implementation Science Research, St. John’s Research Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka. She contributed to the World Health Organization Inter-Professional Curriculum Guide on Patient Safety (2020) and represented the Regional Resource Hub for Health Technology Assessment in India, IIPH-Shillong, Meghalaya at DHR, MoHFW, New Delhi. She is a reviewer of academic journals and has been a Research Guide in the Indian Council of Medical Research, Short Term Studentship Program.
Areas of interest include pedagogy, health technology, behavioral medicine, non-communicable diseases, adolescent health, and health systems research.
ORCID id: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8150-1947
1. Indian Medical Association.
2. Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine.
3. Indian Public Health Association.
4. American Public Health Association.
5. Association of Family Physicians of India.
6. World NCD Federation.
7. Epidemiology Foundation of India.
1. Grant Award for conducting systematic review and meta-analysis under the Centre of Excellence for Evidence-based Research on NCDs in LMICs, World NCD Federation.
2. International Travel Award/Fellowship from Indian Council of Medical Research, Science and Engineering Research Board, INSA-CSIR-BRNS/DAE-CICS for international conference paper (oral) presentations.
3. Selected for Young Investigator Colloquium at ISRII 9th Scientific Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
4. Monitoring Team Award, 11th Common Review Mission, National Health Mission, MoHFW, GoI.
5. Executive Member, Association of Health Systems Analysis and Strengthening, PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Recent publications
Books/chapters in books:
She has a research interest in child health, Non-Communicable Diseases, and Elderly health with a special emphasis on Elderly nutrition. She has completed various projects as a Co-Investigator with various health organizations like ICMR, WHO, NTEP. She has also co-guided PG students in thesis and MBBS students in STS projects. She has 28 publications in various national and international journals.
She has undergone training of trainer’s certification in disaster management and has also completed Diploma in hospital management.
ORCID id:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4870-2928
Google Scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IuDsWvcAAAAJ&hl=en
PubMed Link:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Rashmi+agarwalla
Research Gate Link:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rashmi-Agarwalla
1. Life member of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine.
2. Life member of Indian Public Health Association.
3. Life member of National Academy of Medical sciences.
4. Life member of Breast-Feeding Network of India.
5. Life member of Indian association of Adolescent Health.
1. Second prize in Group academic excellence (Journal Club and Project presentation), Course in Health Research Methods and Evidence-Based Medicine at St. John’s Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru.2013.
2. First prize for oral paper presentation at International Conference on Youth and Adolescent Health, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Best paper award at IPHACON 2020.
4. Co-Chaired and judged an oral presentation session at International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health, 2019.
1. Islam F, Agarwalla R, Panda M, Alvi Y, Singh V, Debroy A, et al. Assessment of the knowledge, preferences, and concern regarding the prospective COVID-19 vaccine among adults residing in New Delhi, India – A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2021; 10:2369-75.
2. Bairwa Behera S, Chavda P, Kulkarni P, Mohapatra A, Ramraj B, Shivali S, Sing A, Sing M, Rohila R, Chawla S, Wani R, Agarwalla R, Chatterjee P et al. Combating the COVID-19 pandemic in a resource-constrained setting-an account of India’s initial response. BMJ Global Health 2020. IF 4.2
3. Pathak R, Agarwalla R, Gupta S. Infodemics of Covid-19: The Role & Impact of Media. Journal of Comprehensive health 2020.
4. Agarwalla R, Pathak R, Siddiqui A, Panda M, Gupta E, Islam F. A Community-based intervention study to assess the effectiveness of awareness imparted on earthquake preparedness among residents of South Delhi, India. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2020; 45:375-8. (PubMed) SJR-0.3(2019).
5. Panda M, Pathak R, Agarwalla R, Rasheed N.A sneak peek into the curriculum on disaster management medicine in India for health professionals: A mixed-method approach. J Edu Health Promot 2020; 9:13(Pub Med).
6. Agarwalla R, Jamal A, Gupta E, Pathak R, Panda M, Ahmed F. Assessment of adherence to international standards for tuberculosis care among private practitioners of Delhi. Indian J Respir Care [serial online] 2020 [cited 2020 Jan 24]; 9:58-61.
7. Panda M, Agarwalla R Malik T. An insight into international health and overlap of turns. Indian Journal of Hospital Administration 2019;3(1):25-7.
8. Agarwalla R, Panda M, Gupta E, Balagopalan N, Pathak R. Snapshot of An Improved Maternal Health in India: The Pillars of Strength. Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2019. 2(1):37-42
9. Vashisht A, Pathak R, Agarwalla R, Patavegar BN. School absenteeism during menstruation amongst adolescent girls in Delhi, India. Journal of Family and Community Medicine 2018; 25(3):163–168. (PubMed).
10. Islam F, Pathak R, Roy S, Agarwalla R, Panda M. Assessment of Vaccine Wastage in Primary Health Care Settings of South Delhi. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2018; 7(5).
11. Pathak R, Agarwalla R, Pathania D. Assessment of metabolic syndrome and health-related quality of life in community dwellers: A cross-sectional study from North India. India Journal of Medical Specialties 2018;9(1): 15-19.SJR 0.1(2019)
Book chapters
1. Agarwalla R, Gupta E, Pathak R. Artificial Intelligence and Urban Health. In: Fernandes E, Grewal I, editors. Urban Health;2021.
Diploma in Hospital Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Epidemiology
Post Graduate Diploma in Public Health Nutrition1· Medical Education & Research– Applying novel teaching-learning techniques, Guest speaker in MEU conferences. Have original articles and collaborative funded projects and awards.
2· Mental health – ESSENCE implementation fellow, actively involved with covid counseling services via. telemedicine.
3· Public Health Management - Worked in various administrative capacities like overall Hostel Superintendent, Nodal Officer of Immunization and IDSP, NBMCH. In Charge and Consultant COVID 19 Screening clinic (24*7 clinic), co nodal COVID Vaccination Clinic. Assisting for offsite COVID Vaccination in present institute also.
4· Field activities and practice as a family physician - Advocacy, counseling, awareness generation, working closely with trafficked children, gender empowerment, disaster management, and environmental health alongside district authorities and related NGOs.
1. Life Member AFPI (Academy of Family Physicians of India).
2. Life Member IPHA (Indian Public Health Association) and IAPSM (Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine).
3. Associate Membership of Joint Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom.
4. Member of COVID Care Network, West Bengal.
1. Selected ESSENCE Implementation Fellow in Mental Health by Sangath Goa.
2. Selected for International Public Health Management Development Program, PGI Chandigarh.
3. Elected National editorial board member IJPH, Editorial board member WHO SEAJPH, Editorial Board member of Journal of Primary Medicine and Health care and Northeast newsletter, and State executive committee member IAPSM.
4. Central Team Member for HIV Sentinel Surveillance, Ni-AIIMS, New Delhi.
5. Best Researcher Award and Best Young Scientist Award in national conferences and awarded projects from ICMR and OR Committee.
6. Invited speaker in State IAPSM for Innovative Community Based Project on Childhood Pneumonia in collaboration with Philips Amsterdam for implementing ChARM at Naxalbari Block, Darjeeling district, West Bengal.
1. Ghosh N. Giri P. Is Public Health Comprehensible, whether it is one Specialization or a Combination of Many? J Community and Prev. Med 2020 ; 2 (2) : 1-3.
2. Ghosh N, Giri P (2020) Increasing sexual misconduct: Going beyond victim-blaming. Arch Community Med Public Health 6 (1):020 -021.
3. Ghosh N, Banerjee N, Mallick S, Chakrabarti I. Potable Water and Uncontaminated Food at Every Household: Dream Or reality? A Study Among Tribal Population of Naxalbari Block, Darjeeling District, West Bengal. IOSR-JDMS 2019;18(5): 54-60.
4. Assessing precautionary behavior regarding COVID 19 applying the health belief model among family members of health care workers in Darjeeling district, West Bengal. Ghosh N. Cross Current Int J Med Biosci, 2020; 2(5):74-82.
5. Understanding precautionary behavior among neighbors of COVID 19 positive patients using health belief model: An analysis from the available evidence. Ghosh N, Bhattacharya S, Pramanik T, Chakrabarti I. Medic J of Babylon. 2020;17(3): 278-281.
6. Ghosh N. Institutional quarantine center of North Bengal Medical College: A novel concept. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2020;13:595-7.
7. Layek KA, Ghosh N, Chakrabarti I, Bera K. N. Assessing self-care perception among caregivers of dementia patients in a rural medical college of Darjeeling district, West Bengal, India. Acta Medica International. 2020; 7 (2) :pp 158-162.
8. Ghosh N, Giri P . Medical Education during COVID 19 Pandemic- Is Revamping of Existing Curriculum needed to adapt to new normal? Annals of Community Health 2020;8 (4); pp 1-4.
9. Saha S, Sherpa L.P, Ghosh N, Mandal B. Precautionary behavior for COVID 19 among the general population in Hills of West Bengal, India: A pilot study. Journal of Indian Medical Association. 2021; 119 (2) :pp 22-25.
10. Ghosh N. Chakrabarti I. Tirkey L. COVID 19 Pandemic and its influence: A case study in North Bengal Medical College, Darjeeling district, West Bengal, India. Journal of Public Health and Primary Care ( Accepted for Publication).
1. Reviewer of Two Books in Community Medicine.
2. Author and Editorial Team Member for a book on Public Health Management (under review).
1. One Chapter in Online IAPSM UG book in 2014.
2. Chapter in Online NMC Based CISP Competency-Based Book for Undergraduates.
3. Two chapters in Author and Editorial Team Member for a book on Public Health Management (under review).